Redness and Rosacea

Redness and Rosacea


Spider veins, broken capillaries, red spots nivea and rosacea can all be reduced and removed to offer you an even, more uniform complexion. Suffering from red cheeks, flushing and obviously vascular lesions can be disturbing for some. Many men and women live the major part of their adult lives apply products to tone down the redness or applying cover-up to hide the redness and skin below. With advancements in technology Laser Therapy redness, couperose and rosacea are now treatable skin conditions with superior results.



Cutera Excel V™ treats skin conditions by administering a unique high power green laser that is absorbed by the abnormal blood vessels in the skin. Lasers slightly heat the vessels whilst removing them. Pulses of light energy cause the blood within the vein to solidify, correcting blood flow. The blood flow is redirected to veins deeper within your skin’s surface. This reduces the appearance of the vein or redness thus helps correct the issue.

Vascular lasers are used to treat skin lesions and conditions that contain blood vessels and which are generally red in colour, such as:

  • Spider veins on the face, neck and decolletage
  • Telangiectasia, haemangiomas, angiomas, Poikiloderma of Civatte, venous lakes, Campbell de Morgan spots, keratosis pilaris rubra
  • Rosacea
  • Scars such as acne scars, post operative scars and keloid scars
  • Radiation scars and burns

      Vascular lesions on the face are usually caused by “venous reflux” due to weaknesses in the small capillaries just below the skin. Advanced laser technology is now able to reduce the discolouration caused by these small vascular lesions safely, quickly, and more effectively.

      We partner with the Cutera Nd YAG laser for best results. 



      Improve skin texture and quality

      The Excel V™ treatments required will depend on the patient and the skin condition they wish to treat as well as the severity of the issue. Cosmetic vascular lesions are commonly treated and the majority of patients tend to have significant improvement following just one session. COST *from $150 - $300 per treatment Some minimal skin interruption occurs following Excel V™ vascular treatment.

      Expect minor tissue swelling to the area for up to 48 hours.  


      You’re in good hands with the team at Skin Nerd. Our qualified Clinical skin technicians can assist and guide you with the right treatment options available. Give us a call today to discuss what’s right for you!

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